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Please note that by registering, you agree to AZA's Conference Policies and Code of Conduct.
Register Today

Helpful Information

  • Accepted methods of payment are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or Check. If you are paying by check, register online and select "send invoice" on the payment screen.You will be emailed an invoice that should be submitted with your payment.
  • All pricing is in US Dollars (USD), unless stated otherwise.
  • Exhibiting? Do not register. Contact Grace Hamilton for more information on the booth sales process.
  • Already registered and need to make a payment, or purchase an additional Zoo Day ticket or update your registration? Please visit the Attendee Service Center.
Registration Pricing
Registration Rates
  Full Registration 3-Day Registration 1-Day Registration
  On or Before February 21 After February 21 On or Before February 21 After February 21 On or Before February 21 After February 21
Individual Member
Commercial Member
Conservation Partner
$320 $420 $260 $360 $140/day $190/day
Non-Member $460 $560 $360 $460 $210/day $260/day
Student Member $205 $285 $155 $235 n/a n/a
Registration Categories
If you are interested in becoming an AZA Member in one of the categories below, please contact
AZA Membership Services.
Individual Members An individual’s registration fee is determined by membership status at the time of registration. Employees at an AZA-accredited zoo or aquarium, related facility, or Society Partner must be an AZA Individual Member in order to receive the member rate.
Student Members Only open to AZA Student Members who are not currently employed full-time. A Non-member Student discount is not available.
Commercial Members Commercial Members are eligible to register up to (8) representatives from their company, at the member rate. If you are interested in becoming an AZA Commercial Member, Exhibitor, or Sponsor, please contact Grace Hamilton.

Solicitation of Attendees and Exhibitors by non-exhibitors is prohibited and individuals will be subject to expulsion.
Society Partners Employees of organizations that are Society Partners must be individual members in order to receive the member rate.
Conservation Partners Conservation Partners are eligible to register up to (3) representatives from their organization, at the member rate. Additional representatives beyond (3) should register at the Non-member rate.
Non-Members Non-member registration is only open to individuals employed by a zoo, aquarium, non-profit organization, or government agency. Non-member registration is not open to individuals employed by a non-member commercial entity (a company that provides products or services to zoos and aquariums, including consultants). Consultants or individuals representing a commercial entity that is not a current Commercial Member, Conservation Partner, or Exhibitor, are not eligible to register for the conference.