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Register Today

Click on the button below to begin your registration!


Interested in Exhibiting? DO NOT register. Contact Amanda Johnston for information on purchasing exhibit space. Early bird registration deadline does not apply to exhibit space.
Registration Rates
  Full Registration 3-Day Registration 1-Day Registration
  On or Before February 24 After February 24 On or Before February 24 After February 24 On or Before February 24 After February 24
Individual Member
Commercial Member
Conservation Partner
$310 $410 $250 $350 $140/day $190/day
Non-Member $450 $550 $350 $450 $210/day $260/day
Student Member $200 $280 $150 $230 n/a n/a


Registration Categories
Registration categories are determined by membership status at the time of the Conference. All AZA members must renew their 2023 membership dues prior to registering. Need to renew your membership? Contact AZA Membership Services.
Individual Member  Commercial Member
Conservation Partner
Registration fees are determined by membership status at the time of the Conference. AZA members must be in good standing and dues paid through 2023. Employees at an AZA-accredited zoo or aquarium or related facility or Society Partner must be an individual member of AZA in order to receive the member rate.

Commercial Members may register up to 8 individuals at the member rate. Conservation Partners may register up to 3 individuals at the member rate.

Please note that individuals in the Advocate membership category do not receive a discount on Conference registration and therefore will receive Non-member registration rates.
Society Partner Employees of organizations that are Society Partners must be individual members in order to receive the member rate.
Non-Members Non-member registration is only open to individuals employed by a zoo, aquarium, non-profit organization, or government agency. Non-member registration is not open to individuals employed by a non-member commercial entity (a company that provides products or services to zoos and aquariums, including consultants). Consultants or individuals representing a commercial entity that is not a current Commercial Member, Conservation Partner, Exhibitor, or Conference Sponsor, are NOT eligible to attend the conference.
Student Members Only open to current AZA Student Members. A Non-Member Student discount is not available. For more information about the Student membership category, contact AZA Membership Services.


Registration Policies

All payments must be made in U.S. funds, drawn on by a U.S. bank, and payable to AZA. Credit card payments will be processed in U.S. funds, in accordance with effective exchange rates. Statement to show charge by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

All refund requests must be received by Friday, March 3, 2023. Refund requests received after this date will be reviewed on a case by case basis. No refund consideration will be given for requests received after Monday, April 3, 2023. Approved refunds will be issued within 30 business days and a $50 processing fee will be deducted. Substitutions from the same institution or company will be accepted, in writing, without penalty. Event tickets are nonrefundable. Please send cancellation or substitution requests to AZAMeetings@aza.org

Membership Requirement
Commercial Membership is required for any individual representing a commercial entity (a company that provides products and services, including consultants).  Non-member registration is only open to individuals employed by a zoo, aquarium, non-profit organization, or government agency.  Non-member registration is not open to individuals employed by a non-member commercial entity. Consultants or individuals representing a commercial entity that is not a current Commercial Member, Conservation Partner, Exhibitor, or Sponsor, are NOT eligible to attend the conference.

Attendees representing a zoo, aquarium, non-profit organization, or government agency are NOT required to be individual members of AZA or work for an AZA-accredited institution in order to register for the Conference. 

Vendor Solicitations
Solicitation of attendees and exhibitors by non-exhibitors is prohibited and individuals will be subject to expulsion.

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